Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Mediation Law Changes Coming to Cali

Interestingly, a new California law that will take effect next year requires mediation participants to essentially sign an informed consent. Revised Evidence Code section 1129 will require a lawyer to make sure their client understands the implications of California's legal protections for mediation communications, before the client agrees to mediate. If the client has already agreed to mediation before seeking counsel, say by signing a contract with a mediation clause, consultation will be still required as soon as possible after engaging counsel. A Mediation Disclosure Notification and Acknowledgment is to be signed essentially outlining that communications, negotiations, or settlement offers in the course of a mediation must remain confidential. The ADR Section of The Florida Bar was recently considering the outstanding issue (currently in the hands of the ADR Rules & Policy Committee of The Supreme Court of Florida) of mediators possibly being required to be certified to mediate court connected cases in Florida. In that discussion, those advocating against are confusing self-determination in choosing a mediator with self-determination of the actual outcome of a settlement. During this debate, we wondered aloud whether such conversations regarding the process take place often enough with counsel in the detail required here, or whether the elements of an opening found in our certified mediator rules suffice. The new law smartly includes language that mediator’s report, opinion, recommendation, or finding about what occurred in a mediation may not be submitted to or considered by a court or another adjudicative body. This would alleviate a problem, though infrequent, of subpoenaing mediators to court in enforcement actions which certainly compromises our neutrality and mostly results in our being excused from such proceedings. See full article from here-- and amended statutory language here--