Thursday, August 29, 2019

Hurricane Mediations Sure to Come

With the likely path of Hurricane Dorian to include Florida, homeowners will want to check their insurance information and keep policy numbers handy should claims arise. I have conducted many mediations over the past few hurricane seasons and as is expected, these claims take time to adjust and longer to litigate and eventually mediate. Past storm litigation continues for thousands of residents previously encountering losses. Keep in mind, under state law, a hurricane is defined in Section 627.4025(2)(c), Florida Statutes, as a storm system that has been declared a “hurricane” by the National Hurricane Center of the National Weather Service. According to Section 627.4025, Florida Statutes, the Hurricane Deductible applies only in the event of a named hurricane. The duration of a hurricane in which the Hurricane Deductible would apply includes the time period: 1) Beginning at the time a hurricane watch or warning is issued for any part of Florida by the National Hurricane Center and 2) Ending 72 hours following the termination of the last hurricane watch or hurricane warning issued for any part of Florida by the National Hurricane Center. Florida's Department of Consumer Services usually updates information in the aftermath of a named storm and lists contact information for most insurance carriers. Stay safe and see more here-- and